Creamy Crepes 101: Your Guide to Perfectly Rich Fillings




Chocolate filled crepes on a plate ready to be devoured


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Have you ever wondered what gives crepes their creamy texture and delicious taste? The answer lies in the filling or topping used inside the thin, delicate pancake.

Cream is a popular choice for crepes, but what exactly is this cream made of? Firstly, it’s important to note that there are various types of cream that can be used in crepes depending on personal preference and the recipe being followed.

Whipped cream, pastry cream, crème fraîche, and mascarpone cheese are some of the most commonly used creams. Each type has its unique flavor and texture that can enhance the taste of a crepe.

In this article, we’ll explore the different types of cream used in crepes and how they’re made to give you a better understanding of what goes into making this classic French dish so delectable.

Types Of Cream Used In Crepes

Crepes are a delicious treat that can be made in both sweet and savory varieties. One of the key ingredients that make them so delectable is the cream filling. While many people default to whipped cream, there are actually several alternatives worth exploring.

For those looking for a healthier option, Greek yogurt is a great substitute for whipped cream. It has a similar texture and tangy flavor that pairs well with fruit-filled crepes.

Another alternative is mascarpone cheese, which has a rich, creamy texture that works well in sweet or savory crepes fillings. Speaking of savory crepes fillings, one cream alternative to consider is crème fraîche. This slightly sour, cultured cream adds depth to savory crepes filled with vegetables or meats. Its tangy flavor cuts through the richness of the filling and adds a refreshing touch to each bite.

Moving on from these alternatives, let’s now talk about whipped cream as the classic go-to option for many when it comes to crepe fillings.

Whipped Cream

Whipped cream is a classic topping for crepes. It’s light, fluffy texture and sweet flavor complement the delicate nature of crepes perfectly. However, there are many alternative options to whipped cream that can add even more flavor to your crepes.

One popular alternative to traditional whipped cream is flavored cream. This can be made by simply adding a flavored syrup or extract to heavy whipping cream before beating it into whipped cream. Some delicious flavor options include vanilla, almond, peppermint, and hazelnut.

Another option for those who want a non-dairy alternative is coconut whipped cream. Made from the solidified part of canned coconut milk, this whipped cream has a subtle coconut flavor that pairs well with fruit-filled crepes. There are also commercially available non-dairy whipped creams made from soy or almond milk that work well as a substitute.

Transitioning into the subsequent section about pastry cream, it’s important to note that while it may not be as light as whipped cream, it still makes for an excellent filling or topping for crepes.

Pastry cream is a thick custard made from milk, eggs, sugar, and cornstarch. Its creamy texture and rich vanilla flavor make it a decadent addition to any crepe dish.

Pastry Cream

Preparing Pastry Cream is relatively simple; you just need a few ingredients and a saucepan.

It’s usually made with egg yolks, sugar, milk, and a thickening agent.

Once the ingredients are combined and heated, you’ll have a thick and creamy custard-like consistency.

You can use it in various desserts like crepes, eclairs, and tartlets.

Preparing Pastry Cream

When it comes to making crepes, one of the most important ingredients is the cream that goes inside. This is where pastry cream comes in, a rich and creamy filling that makes for a delicious and satisfying dessert. But what exactly is pastry cream, and how do you prepare it?

Pastry cream has a variety of uses in baking, from filling cakes and pastries to serving as a base for other desserts like custards or ice creams. It’s made with a combination of milk, sugar, eggs, flour or cornstarch, and sometimes butter or vanilla extract. There are also many variations of pastry cream depending on the recipe or cuisine – some may use different types of milk or flavorings like chocolate or fruit.

To prepare pastry cream, you’ll need to heat the milk and sugar in a saucepan until it’s just about to boil. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs and flour (or cornstarch) until smooth. Once the milk mixture is hot enough, slowly pour it into the egg mixture while whisking constantly to prevent scrambling. Then return everything back to the saucepan and cook over medium heat until it thickens into a custard-like consistency. Depending on your recipe, you may then add butter or vanilla extract for extra flavor.

Uses For Pastry Cream

Now that we know what pastry cream is and how to prepare it, let’s talk about its various uses.

As mentioned earlier, pastry cream can be used in a variety of desserts and pastries. It’s a versatile ingredient that can be flavored in different ways to suit your preferences or the recipe you’re making.

One of the most common uses for pastry cream is as a filling for cakes and pastries. It adds richness and sweetness to baked goods like eclairs, cream puffs, and fruit tarts. You can also use pastry cream as a base for other desserts like custards or ice creams by adjusting the recipe accordingly.

When it comes to flavors, there are endless possibilities for pastry cream. You can infuse it with vanilla beans, citrus zest, or spices like cinnamon or nutmeg. For a chocolate lover’s twist, you can add cocoa powder or melted chocolate to the mixture. And if you want something fruity, try adding pureed berries or other fruits to the mix.

With so many recipes for pastry cream available online or in cookbooks, there’s no limit to what you can create with this delicious filling!

Crème Fraîche And Mascarpone Cheese

Crème fraîche and mascarpone cheese are two types of cream that are often used in cooking and baking. Crème fraîche is a cultured dairy product that has a tangy flavor and thick, creamy texture. It is commonly used as a topping for soups, sauces, and baked goods.

Mascarpone cheese, on the other hand, is an Italian cream cheese that has a rich, buttery flavor and silky smooth texture. It is often used in desserts like tiramisu or as a spread for toast or crackers.

One of the main uses of crème fraîche is as a substitute for sour cream or heavy cream in recipes. It can be added to soups or sauces to give them a richer, creamier texture without making them too heavy. Crème fraîche can also be whipped and sweetened with sugar to create a delicious topping for fruit or dessert dishes.

While mascarpone cheese may look similar to cream cheese, there are some key differences between the two. Mascarpone is made from whole cream rather than milk and has a higher fat content than cream cheese. This gives it a richer flavor and smoother texture that works well in both sweet and savory dishes. Mascarpone also contains less salt than cream cheese, which makes it more versatile when it comes to cooking.

Four uses of crème fraîche:

  1. Topping for soups
  2. Substitute for sour cream or heavy cream
  3. Whipped with sugar as dessert topping
  4. Mixed into mashed potatoes for extra richness

In summary, crème fraîche and mascarpone cheese are two types of creamy dairy products that can add depth and complexity to many different recipes. Whether you’re making a savory sauce or a sweet dessert, these two creams are sure to elevate your dish to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Origin Of Crepes?

As the saying goes, ‘a recipe has no soul, you as the cook must bring soul to the recipe.’ This certainly rings true for crepes, a beloved French delicacy with a rich history and evolution.

The origins of crepes can be traced back to ancient Rome where they were known as ‘galettes’ made with wheat flour. Over time, the recipe evolved in Brittany, France where buckwheat flour was used instead.

Today, crepes are enjoyed worldwide and can be filled with sweet or savory ingredients depending on one’s preference. Their versatility and simplicity make them a staple in many households and restaurants alike.

What Is The Difference Between A Crepe And A Pancake?

When it comes to breakfast foods, the debate between crepes and pancakes is a common one.

While both are made from batter, there are some key differences between the two.

Crepes tend to be thinner and more delicate, while pancakes are thicker and fluffier.

Additionally, crepes can be served as either sweet or savory dishes, whereas pancakes are typically sweet.

Whether you prefer a sweet or savory crepe, they offer a unique flavor and texture that sets them apart from pancakes.

Can Crepes Be Made Without Cream?

Looking for an alternative filling for your crepes?

There are plenty of delicious options out there that don’t require cream. In fact, you can make crepes completely dairy free!

Try using fresh fruit or whipped coconut cream as a tasty and healthy substitute.

Don’t be afraid to get creative – the possibilities are endless when it comes to filling these delicate treats.

So next time you’re in the mood for some crepes, consider trying out some dairy free options for a guilt-free indulgence.

How Do You Properly Fold A Crepe?

To properly fold a crepe, start by placing your filling of choice in the center of the crepe.

For sweet fillings such as fruit or Nutella, fold the sides of the crepe over the filling and then roll it up from the bottom to create a cylinder shape.

For savory fillings like ham and cheese, fold the crepe in half over the filling and then fold it in half again to create a triangle shape.

Crepe presentation is key when serving this classic French dish, so don’t be afraid to get creative with toppings and garnishes.

Whether you prefer sweet or savory fillings, there are endless possibilities for making delicious and visually stunning crepes.

You know what’s funny? People always talk about sweet crepes, but have you ever tried a savory one? Trust me, they’re just as delicious.

From classic ham and cheese to more exotic fillings like spinach and feta or shrimp and avocado, the possibilities are endless.

And don’t even get me started on the regional variations – in Brittany, for example, buckwheat crepes (galettes) are filled with everything from sausage to mushrooms to eggs.

So next time you’re in the mood for a crepe, don’t limit yourself to just Nutella and bananas. Embrace the savory side of life.


In conclusion, crepes are a delicious and versatile dish that originated in France. They differ from pancakes in their thinness and can be made with or without cream. Folding a crepe properly can be tricky but practice makes perfect. Some popular savory fillings include ham and cheese, spinach and feta, and mushroom and onion.

But let’s not forget the most important question – what cream is in crepes?

Well, the truth is that crepes don’t necessarily have cream in them. This may come as a surprise to those who have only had sweet crepes filled with whipped cream or pastry cream. However, savory crepes can be filled with everything from chicken and vegetables to seafood and herbs.

So next time you indulge in a warm, savory crepe, remember that there’s no cream necessary for this French delicacy!

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